2016/2017 academic year begins at University of Tartu

The opening ceremony of the new academic year begins on 29 August at 10am in the UT assembly hall. In the new academic year more than 3,900 new students, incl. nearly 700 international (visiting) students, begin studies in all study levels at UT.

Rector Volli Kalm assured that this autumn UT is in its all-time best form: “Thousands of new outstanding young people from Estonia and elsewhere begin their studies at the university. The administrative reform and continuous work on renewing curricula has also done us well.” The rector also said that UT members need to take advantage of their opportunities and responsibility to ensure Estonia’s development. “Just as the university never becomes complacent with what it has and keeps searching for opportunities to improve itself and the world around it, I wish the same for all members of the university. As the most important university in Estonia and as the best researchers, lecturers, students and graduates, we can as individuals and together influence positive change in Estonian society when our mind-set is governed by professionalism, dedication and critical thinking,” stressed Professor Kalm.

In addition to Rector Professor Volli Kalm there will be salutatory addresses at the ceremony by Minister of Education and Research Jürgen Ligi and Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas. President of the Student Body Reelika Alunurm and 1st year student of Journalism and Communication Kristi Kimmel will greet new students on behalf of the students. The University of Tartu Academic Chamber Choir, conducted by Triin Koch, will perform at the ceremony.

The opening ceremonies of the four faculties, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science and Technology are held on the same day in various university academic buildings and lecture halls. The schedule of the ceremonies and information meetings are available on the university website.

The opening ceremony is also broadcasted online via UTTV.

Additional information: Kady Sõstar, Public Relations Specialist, 737 5685, 511 9188, kady.sostar@ut.ee

Virge Tamme
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5815 5392

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