Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas announced the names of the experts who have been selected as members* of the mission boards to work on five major European research and innovation missions. The missions will be part of Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027). Head of Estonian Biobank, Andres Metspalu was selected as a member of the Mission board for Cancer.
Each mission board consists of 15 experts, including the chair. Over 350 individuals from across the EU and beyond applied to become member of Mission Board of Cancer.
Andres Metspalu said: Europe has an excellent opportunity to become world-leading expert in cancer prevention and early diagnostic methods. Due to new breakthroughs in genomics, cell biology and data science, Europe biobanks have a unique possibilty to create Europe-wide platform for genetic and patient data, which creates substantial increase in cancer prevention and effective treatment options.