The Guild seminar series: National strategies and the role of universities in integrating international students to the local labour market

As part of The Guild's virtual seminar series dedicated to the findings of the Insight Paper “Reimagining Research-led Education in a Digital Age”, The Guild and the University of Tartu invite you to join the conversation on the role of universities in integrating international graduates into the local labour market.

In the paper we invite national authorities to recognize the value of internationalization, not as opposed to, but as strengthening the national excellence and regional contributions of universities. In doing so, universities have a responsibility to train students for the future, which means truly embracing the changing skill sets needed in a rapidly changing world.

In this seminar we will present research results and examples from the Netherlands and Finland and discuss the following:

  • What are national and universities’ strategies for integrating international students to the local labour market?
  • Which specific actions universities and cities/regions undertake (e.g particular programmes relevant for the local labour market, local language teaching, integration programmes)?
  • Which trends can be observed: how many students (and which profile) decide to stay in the host country after graduation?

The seminar is aimed at university staff interested in internationalisation agenda, as well as those responsible for career guidance and language teaching within higher education institutions. We also welcome government representatives and professionals from the labour market hiring international graduates. Register for the event.


15:00 Welcome by Aune Valk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, University of Tartu
15:10 Case study from Finland

  • Charles Mathies, Academy of Finland Research Fellow, University of Jyväskylä
  • Eric Carver, Strategic Services for Teaching, University of Helsinki

Q&A session

15:55 Case study from The Netherlands

  • Aart van Bochove, Director at Blaauwberg
  • Jouke van Dijk, Professor, University of Groningen

Q&A session

16:45 Take home messages by Jan Palmowski, Secretary-General of The Guild
17:00 End of seminar

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