Due to the reconstruction of the academic building at Lossi 3, the university’s central IT infrastructure are moved to other server rooms from 21 to 31 December. This will cause interruptions in IT services.
The most extensive interruption will be on 29 December between 5 and 8 in the morning, when the university’s firewalls and other systems are moved. During these hours it is not possible to use the university’s IT services or university-related IT services.
Other scheduled interruptions take place as follows:
For updated information about interruptions on 21–31 December, please check the wiki page on IT operational information.
Küsimuste ja probleemide korral palume pöörduda arvutiabisse.
Arvutiabi iseteenindusportaalist saab abi teistele infotehnoloogia teenustega seotud küsimustele.
The IT self-service portal provides help with other questions related to information technology services.
Further information: University of Tartu IT helpdesk, 737 5500, arvutiabi@ut.ee