New subject rankings confirm the world-class quality of computer science at the University of Tartu

In the World University Rankings by subjects, published by the reputable Times Higher Education today, the University of Tartu’s computer science has climbed to the highest position ever, reaching the 176–200 band. This result is 75 places higher than last year.

According to Head of the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science, Professor Jaak Vilo, progress in major fields like life sciences, computer science and medicine has been rapid. “This is significant for the University of Tartu, because strong computer science is essential also for the development of genomics and the medicine of the future, for example” Vilo said.

In his words, the high ranking is the result of long-term work, in which focusing on quality has been given priority before raising quantity. “I am hopeful that the Delta environment enables us to achieve our goals even better, teach the skills and knowledge required by Estonia in the best possible way, and support the development of new technological solutions,” Vilo said.

Besides computer science, also clinical, pre-clinical and health subjects (up 50 places to rank 251–300) and life sciences (up 25 places to rank 151–175) have improved in the rankings compared to last year. All in all, the rankings were published today for 11 subjects, and the University of Tartu is represented in nine of them.

To compile the ranking by subjects, the UK-based weekly magazine Times Higher Education uses the same methodology as the one used for the World University Rankings. For evaluation, they employ 13 performance indicators, which describe the learning environment, research influence, volume of research, academic reputation, income, innovation and international outlook.

Further information:
Jaak Vilo, Head of Institute of Computer Science, Professor of Bioinformatics, University of Tartu, Academician, +372 504 9365, (for interviews and comments)
Lauri Randveer, Senior Specialist for International Cooperation, University of Tartu, +372 512 9996, (questions about the ranking and indicators)

Sandra Sommer
Press Advisor
Tel: +(372) 737 5681
Mob: +(372) 5307 7820

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