Researchers' Night at the Tartu University museums

On September 28, the annual pan-European Researchers' Night takes place and the Tartu University museums have a lot to offer.

The “Myth busting Night” at the Tartu University Art Museum gives a chance to break historical myths and find out if the helmets of the Vikings really did have horns or the stone-age people hunt for dinosaurs. The program lasts from 6 PM to 10 PM.

The University Natural History Museum and Botanical Gardens have decided to celebrate the Researches' Night together. From 6 PM to 11 PM you can visit the exhibition “Apocalyptic Plants” at the botanical gardens, where also guided tours to the greenhouse and the garden will start at 6, 7, 8 and 9 PM.

You can admire the dawn over Tartu from the Cathedral Towers on Toome Hill. Even though the exhibition halls of the University History Museum are closed that day, there are exclusive guided tours to the newly opened museum funds at 6, 9 and 10 PM. (in Estonian).

The Tartu Old Observatory is open from 6 PM to midnight. Children can take part in making Mars rovers or draw Mars as they see it. When the sky is clear, a public observation will take place from 9 PM until midnight to see the Moon and Jupiter. If the weather doesn't hold, the observation will be replaced by planetarium performances.

All are welcome!

Additional information: Kadri Kasterpalu, Communication Specialist for Tartu University Museums, (+372) 737 6074, (+372) 566 39 524,