State acknowledged Eno Tõnisson with Lecturer of the Year title

For the second time the Ministry of Education and Research presented the title Lecturer of the Year at the “Eestimaa õpib ja tänab” (“Estonia studies and expresses gratitude”) award gala and it was awarded to Lecturer at UT Institute of Computer Science Eno Tõnisson. The title was awarded for the first time last year when it also went to the University of Tartu.

Eno Tõnisson said that it is in fact a recognition to many people with whom he has taught and studied. “Somehow I have always been surrounded by great people—family members, colleagues and students. I am very grateful to you all!”

The Ministry of Education and Research described Lecturer at UT Institute of Computer Science Eno Tõnisson as a lecturer who uses novel active learning methods and supports the comprehensive development of his students, systematically develops his teaching and cooperates with students and colleagues in conducting studies.

By using innovative active learning methods, Eno Tõnisson has built part of his work on using clickers. He directs students towards cooperation, teaches to discuss and reason their answers, find mistakes in their argumentation and reach deeper learning.

Students highly value Eno Tõnisson’s courses and in feedback they appreciate his teaching methods as well as the content of the courses. Based on student feedback Eno Tõnisson is a skilful lecturer who teaches a concise subject but it is not boring and instead cleverly and entertainingly presented.

Eno Tõnisson is the creator of the first Estonian language MOOC, a leading lecturer and leader of a training team. Tõnisson said: “Lately we have had the chance to use online courses to provide a learning opportunity for thousands of Estonians. It is a special feeling when in a relatively unexpected situation someone mentions that they have participated in our courses. This way the university can offer something important for many people and actually perform the role of the national university. In times where there is quite much uncertainty, the university can give people support and hope.”

The title Lecturer of the Year is awarded in recognition of a lecturer who has supported the development of students in an outstanding manner. In 2015, when the title was presented for the first time, it was awarded to Ivo Leito of the UT Institute of Chemistry.

One of the hosts of the gala that took place on 7 October 2016 in Jõhvi Concert Hall was Director of Academic Affairs at UT Narva College Aet Kiisla. The award ceremony “Eestima õpib ja tänab” was organised by the Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Education Personnel Union and Foundation Innove. The television broadcast of the gala is available at the ERR website for a month.

Virge Tamme
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5815 5392

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