Tartu Ülikool / Rock won the Estonian Men's Basketball Premier League

After five years, the basketball champion’s title is back in Tartu: Tartu Ülikool / Rock managed to beat Kalev/Cramo at home and won the Estonian Men's Basketball Premier League.

This year’s Estonian basketball champion is the team Tartu Ülikool / Rock, who won Kalev/Cramo in the final series 4–1. In the final match in Tartu on 22 May, the UT team won 86–67.

In the fifth match of the final series, Tanel Sokk scored 21, Timo Eichfuss 16 and Gert Dorbek 13 points for TÜ/Rock. In this year’s finals, Kalev/Cramo took the 1–0 lead at first, but then TÜ/Rock managed to win four matches in a row.

The last time TÜ/Rock won the Premiere League was in 2009/10.

On Tuesday, 26 May at 16, the Rector of the University of Tartu Volli Kalm and the Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas held a festive reception at the UT senate hall to thank the Tartu Ülikool / Rock team for their success in the Estonian Basketball Premiere League. 

For more details, see Delfi (in Estonian).

Egle Merbach
Senior Specialist for PR
Phone: +372 737 5509
Mobile: +372 58 6686 77