University hopes to partly open library by end of year

At a meeting on Monday, the University of Tartu and the construction company AS YIT EHITUS agreed that the contractor will complete the second stage of works on the university library by 30 November this year. Thereafter the request for getting a permit for partial use is filed, and after the request is satisfied, the university can open a part of the library for readers.

According to Director of Administration of the university Andres Liinat, the lobby of the library, reading halls and open collections will be opened first. Until renovation works still continue, pop-up reading rooms have been opened for readers in the former National Archives building, where there are rooms both for individual study and group work for 150 people on 500 square metres.

Also, the six specialised libraries have extended their usual opening hours. Books from the open collection can be borrowed and returned at the main library’s entrance in Akadeemia street, and books that have been packed away due to renovations can be ordered free of charge from other libraries via the interlibrary borrowing system.

The university has tried to make available as many services as possible in these circumstances. The university apologises to all library users for any inconveniences and hopes for the readers to be understanding and the main contractor to keep their word.

Additional information: Andres Liinat, Director of Administration of the University of Tartu,

Kadri Kunnus
Senior Specialist for PR
Phone: +372 737 5509
Mobile: +372 50 70 963

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