University of Tartu and Cybernetica AS announce biggest ever IT scholarship

As of autumn 2017, students of the international master’s curricula of Software Engineering and Computer Science can apply for the Cybernetica scholarship programme. The scholarship is 5000 euros per year, which is so far the highest scholarship to be paid monthly to IT students in the University of Tartu.

The scholarship also involves paid summer internship in Cybernetica AS. The programme gives a unique opportunity to selected students to participate during studies in research projects in one of the leading research and development companies in Estonia.

According to head of the UT Institute of Computer Science Professor Jaak Vilo, it is extremely important that students could focus on studying during their studies. “Scholarship programmes support the possibility to study without financial help from parents, independently and without the need to work. Education obtained at the university is necessary during one’s entire life in different work assignments, and cannot be replaced by later continuing education courses. Cybernetica also provides an additional opportunity to participate in paid internship during the summer between the two academic years of master’s studies. Therefore, the scholarship enables to study and acquire practical work experience without hindering the course of studies,” said Vilo.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Cybernetica AS Ülo Jaaksoo said that contributing to science has been one of the principal focuses of the company. “Today Cybernetica celebrates its 20th anniversary and all through the period of operation we have laid a great emphasis on the development of research and education. We participate in international research and development projects all over the world and our scholarship programme gives an opportunity to young students to make their contribution to these projects,” said Jaaksoo.

First-year master’s students can apply for Cybernetica scholarship at the time of submitting their application already, and second-year students at the beginning ot the academic year. In an academic year, one scholarship is granted to a highly motivated student, whose average grade is at least 3.6. The scholarship amounts to 5000 euros and is paid over 10 months. For the remaining two months in a year, a paid internship place is guaranteed in Cybernetica AS.

Additional information: Jaak Vilo, UT Head of the Institute of Computer Science,, (+372) 504 9365

Kadri Kunnus
University of Tartu Senior Specialist for Public Relations
Tel: +(372) 737 5509
Mob: +(372) 507 0963

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