The government of Estonia has announced the laureates of this year’s national research awards. The award for outstanding lifetime achievement in research and development, 40 000 euros, was granted to professor emeritus of the University of Tartu, academician Agu Laisk. In addition, three projects won the award for best research work.
Minister Mailis Reps congratulated all the awardees and expressed gratitude for their contribution to Estonian science. “The laureates are committed scientists and determined trailblazers in their field,” said Reps.
Agu Laisk is an outstanding researcher of plant photosynthesis. His research deals with the question “What determines the rate of photosynthesis?”. To answer the question, researchers led by Agu Laisk have designed the fastest photosynthesis measurement system in the world and the most complex photosynthesis model, and achieved a number of ground-breaking results in the research of the photosynthesis process.
Eight national research awards of 20 000 euros are granted for the best research work completed and published over the previous four years. This award is granted to the following researchers of the University of Tartu:
Tanel Tenson (head of group), Vasili Hauryliuk, Arvi Jõers, Niilo Kaldalu, Karin Kogermann, Ülo Maiväli, Marta Putrinš in chemistry and molecular biology for the cycle “Mechanisms of antibiotic action and antibiotic resistance”;
Joel Starkopf, Annika Reintam Blaser in medical science for the research and development “Intraabdominal hypertension and gastrointestinal failure in intensive care patients”;
Martin Ehala in the humanities for the research “Development of the sign theory of identity based on studies of the Estonian linguistic environment”.
National research awards are presented to the laureates on 20 February in Läänemaa Gymnasium. The ceremony is followed by a formal reception in Haapsalu Cultural Centre.