Topic: cooperation

ENLIGHT offers trainings on virtual exchange collaboration
As part of ENLIGHT’s educational cooperation, an online training on virtual exchange will be offered on 12 May. 
Estonian Academy of Sciences elected Birute Klaas-Lang as Researcher-Professor of teaching the Estonian language
The Estonian Academy of Sciences elected University of Tartu Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language Birute Klaas-Lang as Researcher-Professor of teaching Estonian language for 2023–2024​.
05. April 2023 cooperationfor society
Nature Talks "The environmental impact of the textile industry: can the throwaway culture be stopped?"
Designer Reet Aus will discuss the textile industry's environmental impact at the Nature Talks at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum.
Come to Blood Donor Day on 24 April
The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite the university family to a blood donor day on Monday, 24 April, from 11 to 15 at the Delta Centre.
03. April 2023 cooperation
Risk and Resilience Research Group of the University of Tartu won the ENLIGHT Impact Award in digital revolution
At the ENLIGHT’s Impact Conference held in Spain from 30 to 31 March, the Impact Award in digital revolution went to Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability Kati Orru and her research team.
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference invites contributors until 10 May
The third ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference will take place in the University of Bordeaux from 11 to 13 October 2023. This year, the central theme is empowering students for tomorrow. 
ENLIGHT RISE has prepared a toolkit to foster researchers’ cooperation
ENLIGHT RISE has prepared a toolkit to foster researchers’ cooperation
30. March 2023 cooperationinternational
University of Tartu doctoral student won the Three Rectors' Scholarship competition
Elmar Gams, a doctoral student of the Unversity of Tartu, was chosen as the winner of the final round held on 10 March at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania.
The University of Tartu validates Stargate Hydrogen’s approach to developing iridium-free alkaline electrolysers
Stargate Hydrogen and the University of Tartu have successfully concluded the first phase of a joint development project.
ENLIGHT invites participants to European Dialogue
The ENLIGHT network is organising the second European Dialogue in Bilbao, Spain, from 21 to 22 May 2025, focusing on co-creation of knowledge together with the cultural and creative sectors. It is a networking event for both academic staff of the ENLIGHT universities and between the universities and enterprises.