Topic: cooperation

ENLIGHT’s research and innovation dimension enters a new phase
As of 31 August 2024, the ENLIGHT RISE project funded by the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 is officially closed. The project focused on increasing the potential and innovation in research. Within three years, various accomplishments were achieved that remain accessible for those interested. 
17. October 2024 cooperationinternational
University of Tartu rector and researchers presented Estonian research in Japan
From 3 to 10 October, University of Tartu researchers and Rector Toomas Asser participated in a science and technology forum in Japan.
16. October 2024 cooperationinternational
Ways to accelerate hydrogen technology investments and applications are sought at the University of Tartu’s Hydrogen Day
On October 18th, the University of Tartu's eighth Hydrogen Day will focus on finding opportunities to accelerate investments and applications in hydrogen technology. The event can be followed on Zoom.
Data Science Seminar "Driving Innovation with High-Performance Computing"
The UT Institute of Computer Science and the UT High Performance Computing Centre, invite all those interested to discover the exciting world of supercomputers and high-performance computing.
26. September 2024 cooperationculture
Representatives of the University of Tartu and the World Health Organization discussed cooperation opportunities
On 17 and 18 September, Dr Hans Kluge, the Regional Director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), visited Estonia and the University of Tartu.
23. September 2024 cooperation
WATCH RECORDING! Building bridges between science and society. Why and how to do cross-disciplinary research?
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
University of Tartu and Cybernetica to jointly train industrial doctoral students starting this autumn
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
11. September 2024 cooperationresearchfor society
Data Science Seminar "AI in action: success stories and lessons learned"
How do we decide where and how AI should be applied, and what challenges arise along the way? At this seminar, several AI researchers and industry experts will present their insights and experiences.
The Mushroom Week of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden takes place during the second week of September
Sügise hakul tähistame traditsioonilist seenenädalat, mis toimub 12.–14. septembrini. Taas kord avastame seente salapärast maailma seeneretkel ja värvikireval seenenäitusel.
03. September 2024 cooperationstudiesmuseum