Topic: cooperation

Sander Pajusalu studies how combinations of gene mutations cause hereditary diseases
Forte rubriigi „Tunne teadlast“ selles osas tutvustab end Tartu ülikooli kliinilise geneetika kaasprofessor Sander Pajusalu, kes uurib geenimutatsioonide koosesinemise mõju haigestumisele.
15. August 2024 cooperation
University of Tartu launches initiative to improve safety of autonomous heavy machinery
An international team of researchers and entrepreneurs, led by the Uni of Tartu, is starting to develop AI-based solutions that will enable self-driving heavy vehicles to operate safely in difficult conditions.
University of Tartu will be home to the Estonian Cancer Centre
The Estonian Cancer Centre will be established within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu to accelerate cancer prevention and treatment in Estonia through international cooperation. 
15. July 2024 cooperationfor society
Professor Sabine Andresen's public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany"
On 26 August, from 14:15 to 15:45, Sabine Andresen, Professor of Social Pedagogy and Family Research at the Department of Educational Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, will give a public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into child sexual abuse in Germany", in Room 215 at Lossi 36.
Professor Karl Pajusalu wins the Latvian and Estonian Language Promotion Award
Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna and Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže announced the winner of the Latvian and Estonian Language Promotion Award in Cēsis, Latvia on July 5th.
What is ENLIGHT and what it offers to universities
ENLIGHT is a network of ten European universities created in 2020. Promoting equitable quality of life, sustainability and global engagement through higher education transformation, the network offers various opportunities for students, professors, researchers, and staff members. The project focuses on six cross-cutting challenge domains: health and wellbeing, digitalisation, climate change, energy and circular economy, equity, and culture and creativity.
University leaders met with SEB bank representatives
On 11 June, representatives of SEB Estonia and SEB Baltics visited the University of Tartu. During the meeting with Rector Toomas Asser, Vice Rector for Development Tõnu Esko, Head of Finance Kalle Hein and Head of Entrepreneurship Mihkel Tammo, both parties expressed willingness to develop their long-term and meaningful cooperation further.
Karl Kruusamäe paves the way for human-robot collaboration full of possibilities
Karl Kruusamäe is fascinated by science at the frontiers of human knowledge: anything is possible. In his work, he is committed to developing collaboration between humans and robotics.
University of Tartu and the city of Tartu are looking for solutions to develop sustainable mobility
University of Tartu and the city of Tartu are looking for solutions to develop sustainable mobility