Topic: university

Student representatives for the 2023/2024 academic year have been announced
On 3 May, the Electoral Committee confirmed the results of the general election of student representatives for the 2023/2024 academic year. You can find the list of elected representatives below
03. May 2023 for studentuniversity
University of Tartu guidelines for using ChatGPT are now available
The guidelines for using chatbots in teaching and studies provide general principles and specific instructions for students and academic staff.
03. May 2023 university
New virtual tour of the University of Tartu provides an inside look into university life
The renewed virtual tour of the University of Tartu at allows everyone to get acquainted with the university's teaching and research environment through 360-degree photos.
RECORDING: Lecture “Can civil courts save the climate? Strategic climate change litigation before civil courts in Europe” by the Honorary Doctor of Law Prof. Astrid Stadler
On Wednesday, 10 May at 12:00, Prof. Astrid Stadler, the UT Honorary Doctor of Law, will give a lecture at the UT assembly hall.
24. April 2023 university
Equal treatment support persons
Equal treatment support persons
24. April 2023 university
This spring’s orienteering event marks the 50th anniversary of the graduation of the first psychology degree students
From 14 April to 18 June, all members of the university family, alumni, their families and anyone else are invited to complete an orienteering course.
The election of student representatives lasts until 30 April
The application process for student representatives has ended, and now it is time for the students of the University of Tartu to decide who will be the next student representatives.
28. March 2023 university
Visual Media Service
Recording and live streaming of events
06. April 2023 university
Professor Jaak Vilo
On February 9 professor Jaak Vilo was submitted as a candidate by the council of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
21. March 2023 university
Professor Raul Eamets
On February 9 professor Raul Eamets was submitted as a candidate by the council of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 
21. March 2023 university