Topic: studies

Five superpowers that doctoral studies will develop in you
Doctoral studies offer the chance to become an expert in a narrow field while also developing the skills of making connections and the ability to process information, manage challenging projects, learn from criticism, and, at the same time, manage time efficiently.
Leave your mark – come join the University of Tartu Student Union!
Alates 24. märtsist on võimalik kandideerida Tartu Ülikooli valdkonna ja instituudi üliõpilasesindajaks. Kandideerida saavad kõik Tartu Ülikooli tudengid, kes soovivad seista üliõpilaste huvide ja vajaduste eest ning muuta üheskoos ülikooli paremaks.
06. March 2025 for studentstudies
International visiting students (Free Movers)
Visiting students (free movers) study at the University of Tartu independently, outside of any partnership agreement or exchange programme.
03. March 2025 studies
ENLIGHT virtual courses
ENLIGHT invites students to participate in virtual (online) courses during the autumn semester of the academic year 2025/2026. The online course is a great way to enhance your knowledge at a foreign university while simultaneously studying at the University of Tartu.
UT Library’s system for booking group work rooms will be updated
The students can book the rooms by logging into the system with their university credentials.
20. February 2025 servicesfor studentstudies
Doctoral studies are preparation for becoming top-level professionals or managers
On 11 February, the University of Tartu Library hosts the Estonian Doctoral School’s career conference “The value of a doctoral degree on the job market” where top professionals with a doctoral degree and current doctoral students discuss the added value of doctoral studies.
11. February 2025 cooperationstudiesfor society
Why choose an ENLIGHT university for studying abroad?
1. veebruarist 10. märtsini saab esitada avaldusi programmi „Erasmus+“ õpirändeks 2025/2026. õppeaastal. Teiste ülikoolide seas on võimalik sihtkohaks valida ka mõni Enlighti liikmesülikool.
Summer Schools and Winter Schools
Summer Schools and Winter Schools
03. February 2025 studies
Orchid exhibition opens at the University of Tartu Botanical Garden
An orchid exhibition will be held at the Botanical Garden of the University of Tartu from February 28 to March 9.
Dr. Frank Ursin and Dr. Cristian Timmermann will give a lecture on medicine and artificial intelligence
On Monday, 3 February, at 4:15 PM, a lecture on medical artificial intelligence will take place in the University of Tartu Delta Study Building (Narva mnt 18-2048). The speakers are Dr Frank Ursin and Dr Cristian Timmermann from Germany. The lecture, titled “Levels of Explicability: How to Overcome Epistemological and Normative Barriers in Medical AI”, is organised by the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu, Department of Philosophy, and the Estonian Centre of Excellence in AI (EXAI).
24. January 2025 studies