The ENLIGHT Open Science Award will be awarded for the first time to a project or initiative that uses the open science approach either in their research, teaching, learning, or work.
The ENLIGHT alliance has created its Research and Innovation Observatory, a comprehensive platform of information presenting the research and innovation capacities of the ENLIGHT universities.
In November, a delegation from the University of Tartu, led by the University of Tartu Asia Centre and the Estonian Embassy in Singapore, visited the higher education institutions of Singapore.
In 2022, Swiss universities got the opportunity to join European university alliances. On 1 December, the University of Bern joined ENLIGHT, increasing the number of members to ten.
To recognize and give visibility to notable research at ENLIGHT universities that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact, the ENLIGHT network calls for application to Impact Awards.
The CE7 coalition of seven universities hopes a new partnership with the League European Research Universities will give them more influence in shaping EU policy to better suit their needs.
From the University of Tartu, 17 staff members and six students participated in the annual ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference held in Göttingen on 17 November.
On Wednesday, 30 November, University of Tartu honorary doctor Heinrich Detering will give a public lecture “Folksong as a remedy: Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Göttingen”.