Topic: international

University of Tartu promotional materials
Promotional materials (pictures, videos, brochures) about the University of Tartu for our student exchange partner universities.
02. March 2023 studiesinternational
The ENLIGHT competence framework is now available on the ENLIGHT homepage
Society and its needs are changing very rapidly today. In the coming decades, certain societal challenges will transform the labour market, education, and our everyday lives.
Tartu Summer School of Semiotics in 24-27 Aug 2023, Call for Papers by 20 March
We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations accompanied by a short bionote by March 20, 2023. Send submissions to with ‘Proposal for Summer School’ as the subject. 
22. February 2023 internationalresearch
Invitation: online lecture on the Japanese economy
On 27 February at 12:15‒13:45, the University of Tartu and Embassy of Japan in Estonia invite everyone to participate in an online lecture about Japanese economy.
21. February 2023 international
ENLIGHT network invites to a thematic seminar “A Just City: City Planning and Equity”
The equity working group of the ENLIGHT network invites to a thematic online seminar “A Just City: City Planning and Equity” on 7 March from 14 to 16.
20. February 2023 studiesinternational
ENLIGHT invites to online lecture on health and digitalization
ENLIGHT invites participants to an online lecture on 8 February at 16:00 where three experts discuss the impact of digitalization.
03. February 2023 studiesinternational
ENLIGHT invites to Impact Conference
Staff and students from the University of Tartu are invited to register to the ENLIGHT Impact Conference, taking place from 30 to 31 March 2023 in Bilbao, Spain.
31. January 2023 cooperationinternational
ENLIGHT invites students to a course on religion
University of Tartu students are invited to apply for a blended course “Who Owns Religion” hosted by the University of Göttingen.
24. January 2023 studiesinternational
Last call for application: ENLIGHT Open Science Award
The ENLIGHT Open Science Award will be awarded for the first time to a project or initiative that uses the open science approach either in their research, teaching, learning, or work.  
05. January 2023 international
ENLIGHT launches Research and Innovation Observatory
The ENLIGHT alliance has created its Research and Innovation Observatory, a comprehensive platform of information presenting the research and innovation capacities of the ENLIGHT universities.
29. December 2022 international