University of Tartu and Nordic Science Investments set out the first steps on how the university’s research teams could implement their ideas more efficiently with the help of the fund.
On Monday, 9 September, Orest Chemerys, Rector of Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky visited Tartu and the University of Tartu.
As part of Tartu Mobility Week, all students, university staff and cycling enthusiasts are invited to join a bike ride on 16 September at 18:00 to get to know the most convenient cycling route between the Maarjamõisa study buildings, Vanemuise 46, and the Delta study building.
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
The business development programme "Science to Business!" begins in September, with the goal of helping researchers bring the results of their scientific work to the business world.
Ester Oras, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Archaeology at the University of Tartu, has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.
Are you an international bachelor’s or master’s student? Apply for the University of Tartu's International Student Ambassadors (ISA) programme to enhance your CV, gain skills, and positively impact future students.
On 24 September at 14.15 Kairi Adamson will defend her doctoral thesis “Applicability of digital photography in monitoring changes of leaf inclination and foliage clumping with time“.
CERN has admitted Estonia as its full member. For the University of Tartu, this means expanding its existing research, education and business collaboration opportunities.
In the 2024/2025 academic year, nearly 500 degree-seeking students and 300 international visiting students will start their studies in foreign-language curricula at the University of Tartu.
Learning Estonian can be a rewarding and challenging experience. We sat down for an episode of Tiksu to UniTartu podcast with two teachers and an international student to discuss learning Estonian.