Green Manufacturing Accelerator - GreenMA 

Tartu Ülikool

Founder-friendly program

Apply to the Green MA to get access to:

🌱 3-month business acceleration program, starting in October 2022

🌱 6-month follow-on development program from January to June 2023

🌱 Up to 50k € in pre-seed investment for the best teams from Buildit Accelerator

🌱 Up to 300k € for the best teams from EIT Manufacturing

🌱 Tailor-made workshops to fuel your business growth beyond limits

🌱 Expert coaching from international mentors and industrial partners

🌱 Top-tier contacts within a broader manufacturing ecosystem

🌱 Extensive founder-friendly support & more!

EIT Manufacturing, as a financial supporter of the GreenMA program, reserves the right to get 1% equity as a program fee from participating startups.

Requirements for applicants

We are looking for early-stage startups and teams working in green technologies related to materials or resources, manufacturing processes, or business model innovation.

  • Located in the EU.
  • Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 5+, lower TRL will be considered case by case.
  • Stage of the company in pre- or early revenue.
  • Up to 2-years old (if a legal entity has already been registered).

Background information about EIT Manufacturing

EIT Manufacturing is a partnership of more than 55 organisations, including Volkswagen, Volvo, Darmstadt University of Technology, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic

Energy Commission (CEA), Siemens, the Slovak University of Technology, and Whirlpool Europe. This network has backing and support from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), an independent EU body set up to empower innovators to turn their best ideas into products, services and jobs for Europe.

The EIT was created in 2008 to drive Europe’s ability to innovate. As an integral part of Horizon2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, it is a unique EU initiative, the only that fully integrates business, education and research. This Institute supports the development of dynamic pan-European partnerships among leading universities, research labs and companies — the Innovation Communities. Each one focuses on a specific global challenge and, so far, eight of them have been created: EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Health, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Raw Materials, EIT Urban Mobility.

EIT Manufacturing — Making Innovation Happen!


Aerospace Valley


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