Strateegilise juhtimise ekspert Singapurist peab TÜ-s avalike loengute sarja

Joseph C. P. Lau, kes on Singapuri arengutee tutvustajana tunnustatud esineja erinevatel strateegilise juhtimise teemadel, peab Tartu ülikooli majandusteaduskonna kutsel 19., 20. ja 21. veebruaril Tartus avalike loengute sarja “Chinese mindset development and reflections in business behavior and management”.

Lau on Tartu ülikoolis esinenud regulaarselt 2003. aastast.

Kõik huvilised ülikoolist ja väljapool ülikooli on oodatud. Loengud toimuvad kolmel päeval:
neljapäev, 19.02. 13.00-16.00 (Dorpati konverentsikeskus)
reedel, 20.02. 12.00-17.15 (Narva 4-B202)
laupäeval, 21.02. 10.00-15.30 (Narva 4-B202)


Loengud toimuvad inglise keeles. Ülevaade loengute sisust (inglise keeles):

Neljapäev, 19.02.

  • Early mindset formation: early civilization to Warring State, development of imperial authority establishment
  • Cultural influence: spring-autumn period to Tang Dynasty, the period of meritocracy governance
  • Beginning and end of minority rule: Yuan Mongolian to Qing Manchurian, quick mindset adjustments

Reede, 20.02.

  • Opening to closing: Opium war to communist China, the period of mindset confusion
  • Opening and progression: 1978 onwards, mindset convergence or divergence?
  • The influences of Chinese mindset in business communication and negotiations

Laupäev, 21.02.

  • Chinese mindset and consumer behaviour
  • Reflections of Chinese mindset development to nowadays business
  • Individual mindset vs. Chinese organizational culture

Joseph C. P. Lau, graduated from the then University of Singapore (known as National University of Singapore today) with a professional degree and later obtained his postgraduate qualification in strategic management from University of Hull, UK.

He worked as a professional during the first few years of careers and then ventured into the field of marketing and management for the next fifteen years; handling products from processed food (Yeo’s), beverage (Pepsi Cola), toiletries (Faberge) to electrical durables (Panasonic). During the 90s, with the burgeoning of management training and development and lifelong learning, he switched career path and since then, he has trained 80,000+ trainees from 73 countries.

As a Singaporean, he had the opportunities to witness transition of pragmatic governance vis-à-vis strategic economic growth; escalating astronomically from USD 300 GDP per capita (in the year of independence – 1965) to USD 55,000 in 2014, despite the weakness of almost nothing in natural resources.

He is one of the few effectively bilingual trainers. Besides delivering academic programs in as an adjunct professor for EMBA with Shandong University (China), University of Tartu (Estonia) and Kazan State University (Russia), he has been conducting training and development programs for about 20 such organisations in Singapore.

Lisainfo: Liina Joller, ettevõtluse nooremteadur, tel: 737 6339, e-post: liina.joller [ät]

Virge Tamme
Tartu Ülikooli pressiesindaja
Tel: +(372) 737 5683
Mob: +(372) 5815 5392
E-post: virge.tamme [ät]